

Saturday, June 28, 2014

It is written...

It is written…
Sam Mwaka-karama
That you will not remove a word. You will not add a word. You will not change a word – That, all those you will not do in the content and context of the Holy Bible.

Are you a believer? How then - how do you suddenly turn around and tell us people who are wide eyed, of sound reasoning-mind and of digestive understanding. That, same-sex acts of intercourse were a perfectly normal thing to do? A right of the human being legally and lawfully protected!? How!?

That even the Church was to [suddenly] conduct wedding marriages between men and men. And between women and women!? And you the American powers that be… want us Africans to accept that one, as normal and natural fundamental teaching!?

And that all that turn-around [practicality] philosophy whose thinking [thought foam] theology is still unfathomable unwritten, and of hard to accept [authority] status – and you insist should be surreptitiously accepted by us Africans!?

Aren't you actually laying the new foundation stones of – disbelief? Aren't you the American powers that be… creating a perfect ground for African [Pagan thinking] to study itself?

Don’t you the American powers that be… see it clearly that any situation within the teaching of religion that negates or challenges the known norms and status quo, do actually automatically undermine massively, the natural fundamental [Pagan] spirituality stimulating it to rise-up?

 Don’t you understand that Pagan status… which is a pre-lay status to all fundamental communities worldwide – is in hibernating decline, only because fundamental communities have been cultivated into more organized spirituality – also known as religions?

How then, is your deft demand that Ugandans must accept homosexuality surreptitiously… not be openly challenged, resisted and rejected - on the bases of it being a suspect trait whose grounds of occurrences in people is murky and ill defined even in the Holy Bible that condemns it… why wouldn't instead African tribes begin to look back into its own paganism for guidance?    

In understanding of the living literature – if maybe you are an expert in the study of God, Creation and Salvation. And on the other hand, if you were a learner on the study of the purposes [not the reasons] for the existence of the human being – which is to quote “multiply and fill the earth” unquote.

Now in your expertise and dire simplistic want of wild sexual freedom, how do you dismantle that small piece of living literature in the above Bible quotation? So that in the process, you might achieve what you endeavor – in the process that you might render some iota of legality and lawfulness even right of the human being – on to the [illegal and illegitimate] acts of same-sex [man to man] or [woman to woman] intercourse. How do you dismantle that living element in that living literature against homosexuality? Where do you as an American spirituality expert, begin making those changes? Before demanding surreptitious acceptance… of homosexuality.

So that what was written: […multiply and fill the earth…] might become somehow accommodating of your beyond reasonable doubt acceptable in truth? Whatever like!

Otherwise as it is any persistent demand that Ugandans accept homosexuality carry with it risks of fundamental paganism implications that are entirely spirituality driven – stay warned therefore! That it is not what you want, but what is content in the living literature…

Because with all due respect to you the American powers that be… it does seem to me, that as long as the living literature remains what it is - “multiply and fill the earth” – that alone is what perennially relegates your aim and, quarantine [homosexuality] into being defined as a trait and illegal and illegitimate – and criminal act. For constitutions of various nations to act on and penal measures thus taken against notorious practicing individuals. Period!

Where, its tolerance might only be in banning all media means that aid that trait in the youth – and the youth accepting and seeking organized rehab and reform.
 At least till the day you the powers that be somehow manage to dismantle… that quoted element in the living literature: A huge and strange jinx-man’s awful TASK!*  
            Writer is an Independent Thinker, Author and Blogger


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Taxation and the Indigenous Property Owner/developer

Taxation and the Indigenous Property Owner/developer
Sam Mwaka-karama

SHOCKING – but the local and indigenous property owner and developer is an endangered species – this shockingly is primarily a situation affecting indigenous Ugandan businessmen and entrepreneurs.

Over the last three or four years, Uganda’s brand name property owners and developers have been quietly disappearing [as in dying away slowly] and, hardly do people notice, but the indigenous local rich and propertied are silently vacating their place in society.

Today [Friday 20th June 2014], I was in the Garden City – and met a long time friend of the Kampala streets of the 1970s and 80s. A hard working man of my generation who is now an extensive property owner and developer allowed me conversation with him [name withheld] for over an hour.

As usual we had random chit-chat touching on nearly every topic strictly in the business and trade, entrepreneurship fields…

we have always been free with one another, despite the enormous economic divide now between us - so at a certain moment during our conversation, my mental alarm bell went off – when an employee of his had joined us in a brief drive on Jinja road very much within town.

 My friend who runs his empire from the sixth street, in Kampala, was sending his employee to his other businesses, making instructions – suddenly, I noticed a previously unknown characteristic in my friend, when his temper flared [over such a tiny issue – shouting!] at his long-time employee and, with that I saw a raw and deadly combination of pressure and hyper-tension live!

Such that for an instant – your anger and tension might cause your neck to stiffen and for an angry moment you couldn’t look left or right with ease…

I immediately was concerned even alarmed and, soon as the employee was dropped-off, I softened talks between my friend and myself – what I mean is, without having to be a physician – the obvious raw pressure and hype-tension I had seen that accompanied the eruption, was a telling enough symptom to trigger my mild inquiry into how life was with him lately… at least the last two years I wasn’t seeing him much!!

My friend just groaned and said - “those URA taxation people are killing us”

I have practiced journalism for three years in my life and, I am experienced enough in as far as Ugandan society and community existence were concerned – without being a radio talk show anybody - I have immense backlog of sociology materials and, journalistic experience to deduce a lot out of a tiny comment - I am capable of drawing from my book research and writing experience to place a very relevant and safe pointer on an issue.

The taxation killer… is a real phenomenon – in property.

Taxation is the undoing of property ownership and development in Uganda… unless the [an] association of indigenous Ugandan property owners and developers come-up ASAP with a bright enough piece of parliamentary bill maker… petition in-which the indigenous Ugandan property owners and developers seek a partitioning of the law on property taxation - to separate between out-right foreign property owners and the local property owners if only in taxation regime terms. 

Because, beyond every reasonable doubt the condition the Ugandan entrepreneur goes under to build a structure at all, are extreme and, prohibitive. It is an effort against real odds.

While an outright foreign property owner and developer may have come-in with foreign privately donated philanthropy capital and, overnight, easily invested in the open property markets in the country. The local developer generates capital the harder way. And I think the locals deserve concessions.

This taxation factor in combination with property regulatory ground fees and other trade charges regularly or annually paid; apparently home-in a devastating impact on the property owners lives – who often have to hike their own property rentals beyond affordability of a larger percentage of the local business companies and individuals… since mostly, higher grade properties weren’t fully rented all year round.

A cursory research might reveal that an average mall or plaza and block of flats or apartments, might have annual [un-occupancy] of up to 25% by average easily. What would all the more aid an indigenous association toward convincingly setting a valid parliamentary bill maker.

This [flash and] very impromptu article my latest blog post, is not in any way meant to malice any foreigners doing business in Uganda, but an expression of concern with the life expectancy decline of property owners… who are evidently dying quietly of hypertension  and pressures. A valid area of human concern. And not an insult to any groups of people – but an objective overview. ***      

Writer is an Independent Thinker, Author and Blogger

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Love could never have been without experience

Love could never have been  without experience

Sam Mwaka-karama

Futility it always was, like in the old saying; running after the wind. To entertain an iota of a ghostly thought, that there could ever be love - outside of experience.

Love is a situational and paradoxical phenomena - it might have not actually been there in the Garden of Eden: for a mate was just created out of one ‘self’… so that if the self I am, should not feel myself in you - woman, then the feeling of love is void - and that is the paradox! Because I am the Adam who waited - alone in the garden - and that is the situation: The paradox and situation of love!

In my deep sleep I have always waited for you. That you might be availed-off me - and to me, I waited sleeping. I waited for the phenomenon of your creation and availability…

Your imaginary spritely arrival that dewy and misty morning - was accompanied by the cautions: ‘Thou shalt not...’ An inhibition. A warning. A fright. A scare. An admonition - the reprieve was to also set-up mortality. But alas! How? The journey hadn’t yet started.

The birds chirped and tweeted and sung gaily… in the mid-morning sun when the mist was gone and warmth bid life to the flowers, where the bees buzzed and warmed the fruits - just when the mood was set for a feeling and grace for each-other…

When suddenly had the feeling of melancholy come upon us - and the drift... we momentarily parted!

Faust’s ‘Old Heavenly Aunty’ - serpent! - had arrived, that the reprieve was thus set - to trigger indulgences with and eating the outlaw forbidden fruit… Aunty serpent the old wine bag had preempted paradise…

Love, the situational and paradoxical phenomenon, had been thus stayed even averted - for what should have bloomed in the paradise of the Eden and gradually and naturally spread throughout the world was instead forced-out: by the burning flame of the Angelic Sword that sent us cowering  in shame and terror - out of the paradise. That we might never look back to Eden again! For innocent we were no-more and, cursed we would always be.

There was sun heat. Wind. Gale. Cold and the refuge in Caves. There was the scorching desert and there was the treacherous forests and jungles - that between us as humans love had become an ‘experience’... Suddenly, we knew that we loved one-another. That a child was born to us. It was by the experiences of life that made us family.

For without experience - futility it always was, like in the old saying; running after the wind, is to entertain an iota of a ghostly thought, that there ever could be love - outside of experience.

Because falling in love was experience - knowing love was experience as well: lucky were always they who find love while busy working in the vast fields of humanity: Sports, Industry, Services, Education, Career or urban and rural life… for they found love without looking for love.

For those didn’t fall in love with love; like they weren’t inspired into love by some other pair in love. For they busily got closer and closer - and then suddenly experienced Eve’s misty early morning dewy arrival. The Eden love that was stayed by Faust’s Old heavenly Aunty Serpent.

Aunty Serpentine; the sisterly old wine bag who might have seduced Satan and triggered the rebellion that blew the sedate  calm and quiet of the ‘dark surfaces’. That slithery might suddenly have descended upon Earth at the dawn of humanity and wrecked havoc in paradise forever!!!

So that; You only love once. And once was the only way to love! And too bad, for best it always was falling in love by experiences. And that the clutters of challenges left behind for you and against your love affair by old Auntie Serpent - always break your heart!!!*

Writer is an Independent Thinker, Author and Blogger