Generational African leadership - vis a vis - Generations in African leadership.
'Great Expectations' - seem to lead African opinion towards a mixup of our thinking.There ought to have been traditions that ruled over Africans before coming of the white man - and Balkanization of the continent.
What Africa seems to lack or, may have lost, is PURPOSE!
That sense of direction: where were we the Africans headed.. before the white man came? Did we have a simple sense of direction? How were these if any, defined? What clue do we have towards that or those senses of purpose?
Are we aware - that having a genuine sense of purpose also hold the imbibements for self generated skills apprenticeship?
That, back then ancient Africa may have moved from stone age, to iron age and, onwards to industrial age - without the prop-up of the white man since Balkanization of the continent?
With this in mind. What do we Africans imagine - as generational African leaderships - that "come and go" don't seem to exhibit PURPOSE!
And, if at all, it is blood-letting that seem central - in purposes.. how do we then un-blank our side of the coin?
Colonialism built the East African Railway: Kenya to Uganda with partly imported labor (Indian), and partly conscripted local African labor - the stark ignorant African work force learnt impromptu, and the apprenticeship generated what they needed to implement instructions.
Sixty years after decolonization, we, of post independence Africa, live and enjoy, even celebrate our educated achievements!
Oblivious, of the glaring fact that, we failed to maintain or rebuild - what the uneducated colonial era African Laborers, under foreign supervision were able to do.
In Uganda, the network of railway tracks laid by Colonialism are overgrown with thickets of grass, weeds even trees.
Rhetorically, even the current generation of leadership in Eastern Africa have been talking of 'standard gague' tracks - even as the ancient track slippers have been caniblized or just disappearing for decades..
There has been talks of plans (for over a dozen years) for 'speed trains'. Words so sweet in the ears of those who know PURPOSE. But words that seem to thin-off..
It is true, first generation African leaders hardly knew their own leadership roles; Obote, Kwame, Kaunda and others of that generation were rehtorical and, labor unions often intimidated them!
They were not into material manipulation for constructive developments. Which set the stage for something else.
Second generation - Coup and overthrow makers! Were only there to spill blood and, set another stage for the revolutionaries..
The revolutionaries seem to have purpose and, know exactly what Africa needs in leadership! They also had the rare opportunity to know real HUNGER live, and one-to-one! Unlike their predessesors who knew hunger theoretically...
That too, is probably one of the main factors that ran Bashir out of office in the Sudan Republic more recently.
And, the real reason why President Museveni of Uganda might continue to occupy the State House...
Protected by: Rolex (not the watch), roasted cassava, maize, and all them road side and Street fast foods! Juices, bottled wines, Pan cakes, buiscuits, and, all them imported everything eats! And niceties.. and gamings!
The highly educated call that 'Micro Finance' activities and 'Macro Economic' broad based poverty erradicate measures.
Uganda has undaubtedly achieved that aspect of finance and economic solutions today.
People who like to poke fun and talk mindless innuendos - both inside or outside Government, also like to imagine that; the apparent possible demise of the railway, might cognitively be one-day laid at the doorsteps of haulage big-time heavy trucking concerns.
'Trains will put trucking out of work' others actually say..
Funny, but these clever guys don't seem to do 'binnoculars' to look see how trucks, trains and buses run Europe, Canada, Scandinavia, Russia, China, the Koreas et Al..
Which makes me wonder - did we Africans have any simple fundamental PURPOSES before coming of the white man? End.