Apprenticeship and, Tramp!
You first - must have been a street Tramp - for you to have evolved into an Apprentice!
There, on the street, was and still is where you actually became MEN!
There was never any other way - an Apprentice always started from the beginning by first being a street Tramp.
MEN - challenges you and, interests and want drove you. You are street walking. Street fighting and all you want and need is just one initial win. The entry-level to MEN is clattered with actual and very real difficult situations.
Everyday you are deeper and deeper.. if you score against the enormous odds, you might find a warmth, waiting - she was your minute prize!
If you don't have this sort of experience in your life, then you are not.. just read and do nothing else, for here trips a live guillotine!
Back in my day, in the late 1960s Kampala, I often went street walking: young, interests driven and confident as a young Police recruit (1969), I learnt to play the practiceable elements of my training in the 'power of observation' roaming the streets.
Kishenyi - was the more fertile area, for it was loaded with criminals and prostitutes..
MEN interests and, it's challenges often gets the better of you! Inavitably, you follow the prostitute and empty your nuts.. in that warmth, for the 3.00shs. All, in the process of Apprenticeship - you are new to these forbidden fruit..
Outside. Someday, couple of boys want the entire content of your pockets! Suddenly, it is a skirmish with one down, you are 'Manix' - you run after the one who got away.. but then you were fleeing from a potentially deadly environment.
Kishenyi back then, was notorious with sampling of people from as far as Senegal, Mali, Gambia, Rwanda, Somalia - Kishenyi was squalid, but the most fashionable characters emerged from there.
In those bits and pieces of life experiences.. I too, emerged as an Apprentice Writer decades down the road.
I now live in the belief that, the pathway to Apprenticeship is, first to be a street Tramp! The University does not make you an Apprentice - it is only being a learning Tramp! End.