

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


WORLD EMBRACE - a Canadian Charity, on an outreach program finds us, the people of Paliga a possibility host, for their ideal project.

A first experience for our, a little shy and hugely interested community.

'This is an opportunity, you should hold and value'.. so said Gulu's Chairman L C 5 Ojara Mapenduzi who attended the introductory sessions.

Indeed, if all goes well, my people of Paliga, in Gulu Northern Uganda becomes, like many communities around the Country, a unit in the statistics of foreign investment beneficiaries - Uganda Government's prime program is making accessibilities between organizations and local community even easier and, simpler.

We are duely and diligently trying to shape things between us and, enter the pipeline stages - where we also look forward to government officials playing their parts and help us package our interests and wants.

On the whole, there is enthusiasm - we are also learning each other: the foreign organization and the local community.. this is not a project to be bogged down by pertinent issues and vain individualism. Ours, is an act by two groups: one foreign and one local - pursuant of projects under a legal frame work definitions.
We as the locals, are encouraged that Government prefers that our interests be thus developed on the basis of our common understanding. END

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Paranoia - African Social Media psychology!

Currently, we on this other side of the enormous social media parapsychology coin are having fits.

In this 'free-for-all' world of social media the psychological frey: with all comer posts, comments, paraphernalia, innuendo, palaver and, the deadpan - throw the spanner into the wheelings. The most disaffected on this,  our African side, are the perrenially psychological security insecure!

What you post. Your comments. The quotes you make - show your African insecurity.

Yours is a wanting. A desperate attempt to leave a mark. A 'speedy gonzales' attempt to scurry-by noticeably and make your name (not your point) noticed - because, in our African-ness we hardly have a point of our own: Socrates, Shakepeareans, Darwin.. or quotes from the Bible are essentially all we have, from the Colonialism left over perspectives. We ask questions that have already been asked a thousand times by Western and Eastern philosophical thinkers - who also variably have scored all the 'grand design' answers.

So what do we Africans talk about?

Nothing! Actually, almost nothing that impress anybody anymore.

God, (you shall not mention the name of God in vain) created us Human beings and, protected us in our formative ages: Adam and Eve, and a score of others like them. Abram and Sarai, who became Abraham and Sarah. Lot and his family, who feature in that dawn strike over Sodom and Gomorrah. Melchizedek, King of Saleem were the first to experience direct interactions with God.

Then eventually came the age of the 'guardian Angels': even in the teachings of the Christian Churches - this is the unclearest.. factor in religious teachings todate! The guardian angel who stood there, watching over Adam and Eve seem to have been demobilized. That Army of burning sword Angels.. are no longer part of active modern faith.
It is worth the ventures anyhow, to reason-out what they might have left behind.. amongst us humans.

What immediately comes to mind is 'fineart' - in days goneby, inspired artwork cropped up to show imaginations that defined the relationship between Mankind and Heaven. Schools were created that developed inspirational canvas painting.
We Africans also learnt over the ages, that actually, the very causes of World War Two - were deeply rooted in history of those Austrian art School developments - with Hitler, as the one-man stigma of the conflict that killed six million Jews and, conscripted a score of Africans Colonial Armies fighting in that war 1939 - 1945.

Wait a minute - what exactly am I writing about here!?

Jesus Christ said: "I leave you my peace - my peace I give you". Meaning what!?

Gone he was! And, you and I, can only summon his Salvation through our own faith and beliefs!

If your faith might be the size of a Mustard seed!

In other words - just like the guardian angels who beat the grand heavenly withdraw, Heaven also recalled the Saviour! So that, verily, we are essentially on our own!

'God will quench your thirst - God will give you the water of life! Today!'

'God will give you good luck today - God will shower you with wealth today!'

'In the name of Jesus! Hallelujah!'

The African preacher sees God, as having a direct hand in the daily life and, activities of Earthlings.

Then why are Churches closing down in the developed world? In the UK, this is so and, the poor Africans in the Diaspora can't buy those Church buildings! How come!?. . Their faith  wouldn't generate that wealth!


Because, 'that's the way it is...' - you need lots of luck to afford it! And, the definitive word 'luck' depict 'gambling'!

And, there is our African wits end.

In Uganda, my home Country, gambling is basically abominable - it got to be tolorated only of recent. Even then, the management ethics is way out beyond us Africans.
Africa can't move, can't advance, can't develop or generate wealth at all because - we don't have a realistic understanding of our own!

The 'dreams' of the 1970s &; 1980s - comes to us Africans, twenty years on, through Asian and, far Eastern understanding of our side of the coin! And, the European virtualization of our untapped infrastructural potential beginning 2005.

Where is the realism?

The realism is - God (forgive my calling your name) - left us, and Heaven has been on a withdraw mode from ancient history times - the last being the obvious recall of Jesus Christ, two thousand years ago! Since then, and gradually and grediently - Earth, is being controlled by a sort of 'wild bunch' Principalities.. it is a believe it or not situation! And, actually very much dicey.

It is bewilderingly unknown to us.. especially Africans - what those principalities are, but, more and more the bizarre nature of their activities are apparent. They mostly seem to stimulate dubiousness that lead us nowhere.. there is so much lack of inspirational development amongst us Africans. The principalities might more likely be engrossed in punishments and things.. END