

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Paid Document Content Sites - biased

Paid Document Content Sites - Biased

Sam Mwaka-karama

The World Wide Net and World Wide web have very popular sites that pay users on the basis of uploaded documents on the basis of contents. However all these sites post out notices on their terms and conditions, that restrict their said Paypal payment to those whose documents merit the payments - only if the users live in the United States of America.

I daubt that America could want everybody to trans-locate to the USA... so that the many,many net and web activities that only honour people who live in America might have all of us prospective users and participants, to leave our continent ant fly away to America, to do some work online and get paid.

Paid Content sites like Associated Contents, Scribd, and many others do restrict their payments conditions, of content values, to Americans and generally people who live in the USA.

This I think is very much biased against us Africans. Even areas of document Content values are strickened to Americanized concepts of applicability; Literature is suddenly valueless and not applicable on paid content. American concepts of do-it-yourself technical works have the lead and nothing else and, without anaysis or overviews in certain aspects of obviously non consumerbles from Africa, then we might as well leave the net and web money making for America.

Why then must Africa pay so much on clicks; internet cafes, online office usage, on-net time, and what ever we Africans must pay to access the net - and if we won't ever get paid as participants online; participating on certain sites - then why introduce your valuable services to Africa and at the sametime cut us off very cleverly? You might as well just cut Africa off from your click,click,click,click billions - the money Africa spends click - clicking can use elsewhere.$$$

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