Radicalization of an Individual & Radicalism of the
Sam Mwaka-karama
long before everyone was born to what is now ‘Intellectual knowledge’ –
especially here in Africa – the British among the developed, had long since
formulated the thinking of how to isolate and, victimize an individual.
philosophy in this conceptualization assumes, actually rather wrongly, that
once isolated the individual victim of the process of radicalization – will [always]
mentally plunge into the abysmal characteristic of despair and degeneration. Moreover,
cut-off thus, from his normal path in life, the individual begins exhibiting
unfriendly… even abusive temperament.
is this so? In the first concept, the victim is a subject of study among a
malicious group of either peers or even just plain stigmatizing haters! The
practice in radicalizing the individual is formulated in such a way that the
victim individual finds himself the subject of ‘practical jokes’… as in palaver.
like – you are walking down the street. Perhaps you are bypassing a coffee shop
with an apt name like; [(Bamboo) Bicycle Café] in your home town – like mine is
Gulu in Northern Uganda. Or even the Abyssinian [chronicle] café.
as you walk-by – a shower of raucous laughter washes after you accompanied by a
single clapping of the palms.
is familiar – more like some common music played on some Fm Radio station all
the time – you don’t even bother to look over your shoulder. It is a group of
white skinned people. Yah! You always know they hail from the white man
countries abroad – an assortment of either trotters, research students or other
individual interest travelers – actual NGO workers and group tourists do not
behave like that. You, yet again ignore the ‘virus’ load in their loud
overly manifested intellectual malaise is actually the ways and means by which
[you] the individual is being radicalized – the well-honed technique is
supposedly guaranteed to yield a result! In that you the victim would (as in
will…) most certainly turn back and annoyed or more appropriately mad! Hurl
back a barrage of vile insults in your own mother tongue – or something.
provoked – the real Men would get-up and, the security personnel nearby would
be signaled to deal with you – actually [you] are insulting tourism! Because
the lunatic you are, you were heard and seen insulting white skinned men and
women who were quietly cooling their tired day, taking [their evening coffee] –
so you are a disgrace to your country and people. So thus, radicalized by this
well-honed intellectual strategy, you were dumped in jail!
rather desolate battlefield has seen many an African of the writing ethics…
ruined! Once you were identified with short-fused temperament, as researched among
your kinship, [you] were considered the easy prey! Therefore, the game begins.
I don’t have to name anybody, but history has it that many well renowned
African writers of very high educational qualifications have been victims in
this trade!
African political leaders equally, have been molested by this factor – if some
leaders were short-fused, at least one might have been heard shouting back
[fake news – fuck you]. Such a leader knows the cocoon of ‘supremacists’ malaise.
then a TALANTA is a TALANTA… what they, the Supremes imagine were their own
spirituality guarded fields of inspirations – have been seal-broken. ‘The New,
New World Economic Order’ is founded, on the predictions of the version. The
analog Millennium is by-gone! And now 17 years into the digital Millennium – it
might be vain actually, to still play clearly outdated games of malice.
Africa, in this digital millennium – may have bypassed their way into working
directly with heavy weight American or British or indeed European companies and
institutions. This is a point of raw challenge to other more ordinary
intellects in those countries… but then it is the path!
are hooked to the European and British football betting mania… how do you [a supremacist]
stop those betting millions make and willingly lose money on that International
Soccer Industry?
want an African self made and published Author – drop out of that online book
publishing and marketing American company, so that you [the supremacist] gain
you see that one way or the other – the individual you want very much to
radicalize – is more and more a real or potential significant unit in the
income of those who create such online companies?
In addition, don’t you see that, your
radicalization of the individual - no longer exists; What Ngugi or Wole, or P’Bitek
lost as misappropriated by the old African writers’ series are now a bygone.
that [maybe] they did not produce their work by their own hands [Dictaphones
and secretary typewriters etcetera…] – that was different from today’s method
of manuscript development and production […S3] or [PhD] we all now have the
laptops, Hi Pads and Modems. Add that to a smart phone and, you, the supremacist,
might never know how the modern African make his “Smart Money”. Why don’t you
stop victimization and radicalization? The old game is up!
bad as it were, ‘Radicalism of the Individual’ is, as well bygone – those who
made themselves radicals and changed governments – might not ever commonly recur!
And, not very many people in Africa want to walk that jungle anymore anyway.
Only national mayhem makers of anarchy.***
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