

Monday, June 22, 2020

African philosophy: Cultural school of misunderstanding..

African philosophy: Cultural school of misunderstanding..

In the domain of Africanness, there exists a dark philosophy culturally: the natural ingrained fundamental concept accrues and develops from a negativity, so acake its embodiment is 'totalitarian misunderstanding'!

In 'growing up' we Africans culturally experience this factor of the fundamental social growth framework. A presence within our individual characteristics; we will misunderstand you, misunderstand ourselves, misunderstand me, misunderstand the lessons we learn formally, misunderstand the adult partner we live with, misunderstanding our family lineage, clan, tribe, regions of tribes ad-infinatum..

A professor writes a book of misunderstanding: 'Flowers of blood' and another one: 'The asshole Emperor'..

He is ontop, over the crest, the very epitome of Africanness - his learned peerage perfect the form and characteristics of our fundamental misunderstanding concepts, transforming it from its 'cultural school of fundamental misunderstanding' - into the legend of literature and social peerage at the grand top of modern day education.

Foreigners applaud, we also applaud!

Actually, we don't understand a damn thing.. we only applaud those who initially applauded. It all strikes a cord so befitting in us.. for ours is misunderstanding! It's our heritage..

When you have forever to get to anywhere, walking the vast African sub Sahara unaided by horses or bullocks, donkey or what - you really have forever to get to anywhere!

In twists and turns, you are in timelessness of walk and meandering bizzare misunderstanding and slow generational confusion!
The protagonists of your great fundamental breakaway and migrative wondering, left no clue what fundamental Fables that be.. were!

Proverbial four generations down the scanty tracks - only dialectical similarities in language seem to link up with you: you actually are brother and cousin clans.. helplessly floated away like islands on the down stream. The down stream of fundamental misunderstanding.

'Faust' a German book, talks of the 'winebag' Aunt!

In Africa, she is the horried sister of your father or  daughter of his brother, who wouldn't go away in marriage - to start her own family and clan..
She is the brewery of all toxicology. That winebag Aunt meddle in that drunkenness and darkness of deeds of totalitarian misunderstanding, like rumbling in the distance. That are promises for yet another stage of the bizzare act of  misunderstanding.

The protagonists of the African plains and Savannah who herded the clan-tribes and spread the black people all over the continent aren't there in the African fundamental literature - only in parts of the Advent of balkanization of colonial Africa.
The real untold story must date back forty thousand years - ages silenced by those winebag Aunties.. whose influences are still visible to this day. Africa lives under the darklings of their totalitarian misunderstandings.

The professor actually has no clue - what his part of the enormous African root fables must read like! His literature is therefore worded in modern sociology and, the structures of the African modernism cupsulate his scope of politicized Africa. Contents of his books.. are under the darklings of the winebag Aunties! Compromised.
Even perverted!

Question is: how would you breakdown and unpack the forty thousand years of untold African Fables and scale oral history? End.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Moby Dick - my reading!

Moby Dick, Or The Whale - book
Herman Melville

A massive story! And, a terrific genre and, writing style plus owesome story telling.

"Call me Ismahel.." the narrator, in my understanding is a wonderful character. I don't know where to place this book: fiction or nonfiction!

The sixteenth or seventeenth century America,  story of a sea farer immigrant, probably second generation, all the way from Afghanistan - his improbable tale is a twisty bizzare fiasco between the Author's yarn and the narrative blurbs!

"Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to Swallow Jonah.." Biblical

In my reading, how do I descern this?

The same Lord probably also prepared this young man Ismahel (Hagar's boy?) - in the Carpet Baggers American generation to follow certain leads and things, go sea faring.

Somewhere in the fiasco of Melville's storyline, the narrator - was like, there were these ancient freak canoes Pacific tribesmen, who, in my understanding dared the Whale and with Spears made a killing!
And, presumably to me, that Argosy sort of finding out - initially sent (Hagar's boy) seeking his first job on the Great White.. Whale unting.

(My extract):
"Finally, I always go to sea as a sailor, because of the wholesome exercise and pure air of the fore-castle deck.. blah blah.

I should now take it into my head to go on a Whaling voyage; this, the invisible Police officer of the fates..
Who has the constant surveillance of me, secretly dogs me, and influences me in some unaccountable way - he can better answer than anyone else.

And doubtless my going on this Whaling voyage formed part of the grand programme of Providence that was drawn-up a long time ago.

It came in as a sort of brief interlude and solo between more extensive performances. I take it that this part of the bill must have run something like this:
"Grand contested Election of the Presidency of the United States. 'WHALING VOYAGE BY ONE ISMAHEL. BLOODY BATTLE IN AFGHANISTAN'".

Though I cannot tell why it was exactly that those stage managers, the fates, put me down for this shabby part of a whaling voyage, when others were set down for magnificent parts in high tragedies..."
(End of my extract)

To me, this extract - written by Herman Melville, in the words of the narrator, Ismahel - way back in the 16th or 17th Century seem to have foretold the bloody tragedies of AL QAEDA, TALIBAN and the war with the US ARMY. Played out in the closing years of the 20th Century and, opening years of the 21st Century.

All the more convincing me, that the narrator Ismahel, was a latter-day proxi of Hagar's son!

One needs to revisit biblical Jonah, and trace the exact words God spoke to him and, Jonah's disobedience and, what really transpired on board that ship!
It seems to me that, that ship was a wealth seeker's popular transportation: used by wheat grain traders, spice traders, gold traders, opium smugglers and migrants.

Jonah, running away from God sic.., was the problem! But, panicked ship-mates, threw overboard all the bundle of ambiguous cargo, for fear that something in somebody's cargo was offensive to God - a drama! With God's Whale nearby somewhere in the waters; unknown to all..

My humble deduction is: the men of Salem and New Bedford fighting the whale over the SEVEN SEAS of the global world, made that wealth and, found the medicinal and nutritional solutions for their societies and beyond!
So, what's with COVID-19? - End.

Monday, April 6, 2020

QUANTUM MECHANICS - Discussing solutions: Covid-19

'QUANTUM MECHANICS' - Is the science of the very small. It explains behavior of matter and it's interactivity with energy on the scale of Atom and subatomic particles - so states Wikipedia.

In complete contrast.. to it's predecessor.

'CLASSICAL PHYSICS' - The precursor, is still used in much of modern science and technology.

However, towards the ending of the 19th Century, Scientists discovered phenomena in both the large (macro) and the small (micro) elements that Classical Physics could not explain.

Study interests to descern seemingly challenging inconsistencies between those new phenomena and Classical theories - led to two major revolutions in Classical Physics that created a shift in the original scientific paradigm - the 'Theory of Relativity' and the development of 'QUANTUM MECHANICS'.
Physicists Richard Feynman - says "quantum mechanics deals with nature as she is - absurd".

This "absurdity" amongst other guises, therefore, might prudently give rise to presumptuous uncertainty.

There is a possible hypothetical question: Could the new virus COVID-19 fall under this definition? And, how might lab scientists deal with 'nature's absurdity' factors - in racing for a quick cure.


Presumably, yes - as a microscopic element, this new virus might be observed as falling under the 'Quantum Mechanics' definitions, sure.

Because lab scientists already have captured the photographic image of COVID-19. This makes the virus a Quantum Mechanics study and cure research candidate. To further descern the virus and it's 'absurdity' complexities.

How might the lab scientists proceed then?

In my layman view, I see this virus in a bipolar Quantum Mechanics characteristics: as in physics and biology - this dual uni-particle being the classical 'nature's absurdity' Physist Richard Feynman talks about.

At least in my descerning of his meaning, which may actually be something else.. considering that I am only a concerned layman.

Under these circumstances - to determine 'cure' possiblities - one may have to descern (cause) and (effect) and how the virus impact the human body.

On entry into the human body, it doesn't demobilize the nerve center! Already, preliminary report seem to confirm that.

However, like HIV/AIDS, It attacks the body resistance system - disorganizing vitamin C body reserve rendering the respiratory system on the dying side, if you like.

Given that: COVID-19 might be a double character atom; part biological and part physical - however, the photographic image of this atom, seem to suggest something else!
The perfect round shape with short tentacles seem to suggest a non-amoeba and self driving - in substance carriage, like on surface water or any liquid - and still, via the tentacles also self propellant in the air.
Though scientist have the know of it's short life outside or in hot temperature.

How then, does it multiply?

Three or four dimensional structure and, non- amoeba - the image seem to also suggest some kind of independent movement and adoptability or self reproductive - through the tentacles! The microscopic atom might also have sensors.. through those tentacles!
The absurdly - complexed!!

This might imply, the virus COVID-19 bipolar, invisible to the naked eyes, with unique nuclear self drive and self propellant power!

What are it's weak points that lab scientists might explore?

Probably, demobilizing the tentacles! Like attacking a complex allien space ship! END

Friday, March 27, 2020

Corona virus - root narrative..

Corona virus - root narrative..

During the Golden Age of Mythology, in Greek mythology existed the Divine linage of the ruling pantheons sired by Uranus.
Titans, were said to be the twelve children: six boys and six girls, who created the brother/sister marriages of divine deities that ruled various aspects of life in Greek land and, recognized and respected as far as Italy and other parts of Europe, parts of Mesopotamia and elsewhere.

Of the twelve, Corona, said to be the youngest of the Titans, had overthrown their father Uranus to create a much larger and more powerful Titanium system.

 In his time, many city states were built, spreading their rule extecively. His most recognized symbol was the sickle - probably signifying much or the beginning of bamper harvests. It is possible that planting activities, may have began in his day.

Ambitious Corona didn't rule to his full grandness as he may have wanted to - for, like he did, his own son Zeus, also overthrew him and, expanded, even powerfully developed the Titan downline rule.

Zeus was bestowed with very many symbols of immense power: deity of sky, other writers called him deity of Saturn among other symbol of powers. Command over the sky placed him in control of the clouds, thunder and rain.. the most powerful principality of all times whose command instantly spread over vast hemispheres of the Earth. Ruling over seasons of the ages.

This too, held him in cross contacts with other deities of Italy, and upper Europe, and the Nordics, India and far Eastern regions.

Zeus had an overwhelming and overriding impact over the entire African Continent - South and West of Egypt and Abyssinian territories.

What rendered Sub Sahara Africa spiritually silent and, without indigenous deities. Making Africa a much valued source of Slaves to the more spiritually affluent outside World.

We the African people, bear no alligence to Zeus, though, he continues to rule, control and influence events all over black Africa. African people continue to suffer various levels of deprivations and gross failures in our individual lives.

His symbols of Law and Order - derived perhaps from his own overthrow of Corona, his own father (definitely a source of grief and bitter anguish) to a father he is said to have locked away for indeterminate period of time, may also be the cause for the current 'Coronavirus Pandemic' - it's not right nor-wise to assume otherwise!

How else - could St. Peter experience the Church's very current Ambiguious loss of power? Perhaps also a confirmation of the 1500s Nostradamus very accurate predictions.
Just like it happened back then: the faith momentum reels in uncertainty now, as then!

"Before the Cock crows, you would have denied me three times".

So be it then, that, as the ancient Jews went: 'tole-tole Crucifigeum' - that event, was more likely being supervised by the most powerful deity and principality. Zeus held power over the event probably through his Sky, Clouds and Thunder symbolism powers.

Providentially, Zeus, from his aboard up on Mount Olympus and probably even todate, through his downline, especially Apollo and his twin sister Artemis indirectly proffer most likely most of the solutions -  to what spiritual conflicts humans continue to suffer due to the rulership overthrows between Uranus, Corona and Zeus. Doubtlessly, grief and anguish! Resulted.. that may exist spiritually. What Nostradamus accurately saw!

In their 'beauty' and enormous athletic and various other talents - the twin, may hopefully hold some secret solutions to the Coronavirus - it is at the very least, a worthy thought! END