

Friday, July 26, 2013


Developing the simple Thinking perception
With Sam Mwaka-karama

Question and Answer
What is friendship?

Friendship is closeness between two people [or more] with liking of each-other as the binding element that keeps them close.

Can friendship also harbor love between the two [or more] people?

Yes! Friendship can also harbor love (like a ship docks at the port) but the [love] becomes a third party; because friendship between two persons [or among people] who like each-other has enough binding element.
That makes [the import of love] third party… because with or without it friendship can still survive and goes-on between the two [or more people].

So what is a harbored [or docked] third party love then?

Harbored [or docked] love becomes the ‘innocent attraction’ factor; like the flower was there and the butterfly got attracted to it! Or the nectar was there and the bee got attracted to it (that is love! Which is different from; [the milk was there and the fly landed on it] that is not love! Because much as the milk which is the fundamental product and substance of love [the fly who is always attracted to milk – does not represent or produce substances of love… like a bee or butterfly].

Now if friendship between two [or more] people “has enough binding element” to it – which automatically relegates [innocent attraction] to third party love, then where does that leave ‘God love’?

‘God love’ is inspirational feeling! It has or represents no physical substantive element… so that [God love] is actually [housed] in celibacy of the mind and soul – parental love.

How so - explain?

‘God love’ is here equitable to ‘parental love’ because it is expressed to the child in a depreciative manner… it is intense at birth and progressively depreciates as the kids grow-up, become adult and eventually a parent... Parents are supposed to progressively and slowly change their love [of their own children] so that it become liking of their children as they grow older; which is why if you [a child] went wrong, your parent told you that it was wrong to do this or that – but her/his words becomes progressively harder [with the use of sticks or cane or insult] as the children grow bigger and older.

Why must ‘parental love’ [God love] eventually change as the children grow older?

Because a child growing older [in the physical world] needs strength [faith] to eventually be cast-off his/her parents to survive on their own – and maintain a distant but [faithful and constantly linked] relationship with their aging parents [you]; you are physically [cast-off your parents] and gain attraction [friendship and maybe love] and attachment [by faith or maybe love] to your partner/spouse where you are supposed to be survived also by another generation [kids of your own].

Your responsibility to your kids is giving them cultural [language] teachings, sense of direction, education and attachment to their roots [before demise of the grand-parents]. That is the norm worldwide.

A parent who betrays his/her partner/spouse creates disability in this process: Better a family thrown asunder by an act of war or natural disaster, than a family torn-apart by the misdirection of a jilted parent’s teachings…      

So when is a person really free – if you must maintain link with your parents at the same time?

“Freedom” per-say does not actually exist… but your attachment to your kind is your life heritage – which is why birds of the same feathers flock together – but then crossing the cultural [or racial] line is also a natural aspect of life, but it might become a [curse] if it causes you to [hate] your parents or shun your roots… living in [self] curse is the problem.

If you crossed the racial line and discovered that your partner/spouse [hates your kind, parents or your roots] then you risk becoming a [slave] locked-up inside an open sourly, infective and eventually festering ‘concentration camp’! If it is your destiny to live that sort of life… then it is your misfortune! Your Karma!
But there is also an element of personality [rooted in faith… “I leave you my faith”] should tell you that; you can pull yourself out of that open prison and seek adventure instead of the cocoon-ism of slavery; you always have a choice. But then again; ‘choice’ is also often subjugated by fear [and ignorance].

No! It is not that you [don’t like this] or [you don’t like that] - it is ‘fear’ and outright ‘ignorance’ that defeated [you].

The writer is an Independent Thinker, Author and Blogger            

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