

Sunday, June 25, 2017

War or Peace!
War – is a very attractive spouse! A beauty. The nubile call-point of Spartacus heroism. The home of attrition - once you begin her courtship, there is often nothing that might stray your attention from homing in on this target of all targets.

The practiced revolutionaries know the pros and cons of war, warmongery, illicit war trade, industrial and cosmopolitan purposes of war. The Ideological factors. The intelligential and the cadre of the regime! 

In the jurisprudence of war legislature – governments might ‘move’ against one another or against an organized threat… spurred into the act of ‘negation of a [particular] negation’; to react, strategically respond or, cogitatively preempt particular instances of clandestine war footings…

Here, once proven beyond reasonable and, [sometimes un-reasonable] doubts – that actual war were in the offing, then certain [sleepy] national interest safe-guards spontaneously spring into wakefulness… what happens in such events – may be termed as automatic mechanisms long since defined by laws of the particular nation. What therefore happens and, how they otherwise happen – depend on the laws of the particular country and, how an incumbent regime administration either works or don’t.

In fall of Gaddafi in Libya – there was a common interest factor between a handful of exiled, highly educated diasporas – who fronted for leadership change in Tripoli and, the French government of the time who had apprehended the godfather of terrorism himself – Carlos Martinez Sanchez, a Venezuelan – who the French government accused of countless violent murder of innocent French people in Paris and other places in that country back in the 1970s. Something that had included the taking hostage of a whole Olympic team from Israel in Munich 1972 Olympics.

The French regime of the day had it, that Gaddafi of Libya had been funding Carlos’s clandestine terrorism and, often shielded the terrorist – for decades frustrating French legislative and government efforts to bring Carlos to books.
While the equally frustrated Libyan Diasporas living in France wanted the French government of the time to spearhead the violent fall of Gaddafi – thus begins the Libyan part of the ‘Arab Spring’.

Regrettably though, war is a shifty hard to orchestrate dynamic and, horribly fast and destructive state of affair! One might never be able to design and time it to that [war-room] perfection; once on the move, no amount of perfect war planning can place absolute control over mounting battlefield situations.

The Libyan changes were achieved… that included the death of Col. Gaddafi himself. However, what is likely to linger on for a long time, is the traumatic experience! The desolation! The obliterated Infrastructure and the economic and human decline; a huge part of the youth, born mostly after Gaddafi’s  overthrow of King Idris, died [enmasse] along with President Gaddafi – the task, therefore, of rebuilding and psychological rehabilitation of a devastated people – who are sinking all too often in the Mediterranean Sea aboard rickety smuggler’s boats that capsize every now and again – as the traumatized people tersely make the mad rush towards crossing the sea into the safety, comfort, and hope of the European life.

Sub-Sahara Africa has a huge area of foreign experiences to draw from. The Biblical 40 year’s leadership change maxim – is a very valid set of argument and direction pointer – however, prudentially it might also be incumbent upon the potentials… to correctly and prudently assess their national human and material resource interests - that should or should not go [destructively] with the Biblical 40 years change making!

Sub-Sahara Africa, however, has a complication – the components of the African intelligentsia and, the intellectual Concourse are a disjointed and, uninformed often irrelevant [own-goal scorers]. They defeat the very purposes for their own very existence – all but otherwise wish and try to unreasonably shorten their own growth longevity. The [maxim] changes they all crave, have to always be violent – to prove that they all are not going back into their mother’s wombs – the fatalistic Amin challenge factor!

War and Peace are both a challenge!   

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