Re-Discovering the HIV Fight or Re-Creating
Stigmatization – Job lines again?
Sam Mwaka-karama
Puppet on the string starts another
stroke: jumping this side and then that side - HIV/Aids – is historically known
to have started somewhere around mid to late 1970s. In between a period of
about five years 1975 to 1979 is the gray area internationally known and have
been established by WHO and other Global health concern entities; as the period
the disease initially materialized.
In the early days of people generally
discussing HIV verbally or in writing – which began more seriously around the
[1988-1991s] – the concept of what people now loosely talk of as [HIV Fight]
was also established in this secondary period. I personally made my written
contribution in discussing HIV in my own publication of a personal ‘Newsletter’
in 1991. My maiden publication [MONAKK] printed by Uganda Co-operative Alliance
UCA on Nkrumah Road circulated in Kampala, Jinja and my home town Gulu, was
also the initial point of my entry into writing and publishing material that
could be internationally read and digested. Basically HIV/Aids was at that time
a darkness unknown ambiguity globally.
After this initial period of people
widely and publicly talking about and discussing HIV/Aids; something that in
Uganda here was limited to then very scanty press and media and wide-eyed café,
restaurants, bars and beer hall scares – actually to think backwards a little;
it was a most difficult time for anybody who cared to think at all… because at
the top of the world’s most advanced health ‘Think Tanks’ so many abstracts
were devised, crafted then advanced, modeled and re-modeled, then juggled about
in Journals, magazines and academic publications and forums; abstract theories
that practically scared people virtually to the very death…
Compounded by a terrorizing tabloids horde
of weird shifting and sieving wild analyses and, scrap definitions of compound
laboratory genetic findings: mostly ambiguous stuffs like “human Carriers” of
the molecular HIV [x or y chromosomes] genes… that once fused with certain
other blood types [in sex] instantly sparked [full blown] cureless HIV/Aids!
The academics abroad in their disease
anthropology - researched some colonial time disease called; “Brucellosis” which quickly zeroed the
suspicions on a spot inside Uganda close to the Tanzanian border – where
colonial health officer Bruce ones carried out his research among roadside
communities… and the disease defined by Bruce way back in the 1950s was
apparently of similar identifiable symptoms and general characteristics as that
of HIV/Aids.
The world of the academia can be very
brutal and merciless or insensitive – as the world of the media is cramped with
daring, hard and terribly malicious minds as well. Between those two important worlds
of ethics, back then, fragile emotions [among early day’s victims] were crushed!
Falling infected people thronged about swayed by the winds of wheeler-dealer
and brave-minds that capitalized on the ambiguity of HIV/Aids prevalence; Thus
creating [stigmatization] and, soft hearted people began to accept publicly
that they were HIV sufferers – with this concept of stigmatization the acronym
[HIV Fight] came to existence. Very quickly things boiled down to bare ‘escape
goat’ stigma thinking… which gave birth to the enormous blame syndrome; someone
else less known, but of notoriety of some kind was always the blame victim.
To us Africans ‘blame syndrome’ is a
natural to most of our cultures – feuding family against family, clan against
clan, tribe against tribe, competing individuals against one another – actually
it all started with the focal-point area of the disease Brucellosis findings in Rakai district.
The silent stigma fight saw many
people blaming each-other to death causing many others to flee… then the
scenario painters in the press brought in the concept that ‘Transit truckers’
were initially the ones that infected the area; now that brought to attention ‘trucking
Somali drivers’ and the beginning of the metamorphoses of the stigmatization
phenomenon. Its wild bush-fire burning effect spread country-wide - from Bruce’s
focal point Rakai.
My Newsletter articles; one of the earliest
really objective observation of the HIV/Aids problem and positively encouraging
layman view became the fundamental material that fed clearer thinking among
victims and concerned local thinkers, writers and discussants; some form of
analysis that cleared hearts and minds clogged by abstract academic
publications and distressing tabloids and other genre mainstream media views –
I got encouraging feed-back that time – I recall funders were suddenly running
around with cash in hand putting together Journalists to found some new robust
newspapers… I wasn’t a trained Journalist so I was unknown; so that my
inspiring newsletter folded as suddenly in Gulu; I found myself a HIV Stigma! I
am not from ‘Bruce’s Rakai’, nor was I more importantly one of the early
victims – but I became “suspect” – to this day now about or nearly thirty years
down the road I am still not HIV positive. Though back then it became very
difficult for me to do anything at all… I was caught-up in a vice that has now
lasted 27 years; lost two daughters in Germany and a son in California. Branded
that I was the infector of all the victims – to this day I am not living on
Stigmatization then and Stigmatization now
Philosophically a fight is two sided:
on one side you and on the other side the enemy – actually in this sort of ‘vice’
situation [the enemy] is not necessarily your enemy nor are you necessarily his
enemy either – he is just some Guy whose character [and or tribe or race] you
often didn’t just like; he is dangled there with the ambiguous [escape goat]
accusations as ‘the enemy’ and, so what! It serves the purpose; the fight begins,
like it did between 1988/1991.
And like in the [cock or bull] fights
those who stake them out benefit on bets and collections from those who are
entertained, stake holders and gamblers on whoever wins the [HIV/Aids Fight].
In the rough and tangle that embodied the three or four year fight: the Berlin
wall came down! Northern Uganda bled! Wall materialized between Israel and
Palestine! Twin Towers came down! The Black Hawk came down! Bosnia was aflame!
South Sudan broke free! Rwanda bled! DR Congo and other parts of the African
continent ‘saw red’! Iraq was a-storm – And things now evidently are getting
better though the under-belly of the world still rumbles; the rhetoric, claims,
talks, dialogues and discussions even accusations still goes on…
What I believe is the fertilizers of
renewed local political problems are those political fall-outs among allies of
the [HIV Aids fights] being the ones who will publish the real [beans] smear
books someday… former allies who irrationally become enemies are the ‘squealers’;
the ‘turn-coats’ who leave and then double-back are the 4’ 2” Gnomes still
clinging to the [old] vain, useless stigmatization because obviously they didn’t
even have the innovations to even find some scrap ‘reformative themes…’ and go
back to try and eat-up the stinking hair of some Rasta…
An HIV/Aids victim who has weathered
the storm managing to somehow prolong his life should not try to play the old
[stigmatization] lyrics again and yet again: the house you built out of it
should be enough; the cars you bought out of it should be enough – jumping here
and there is sometimes good politics - but there are certain old songs that
might trigger stray thinking back to days gone-by that many might no-longer
want to revisit. What stigmatization did for you then… should not be what you
pursue now – compose a new song and create a change of heart and mind; a
quarrel on phone between a [father and his son] should not be your early
morning TV breakfast material… why not retire and write a book about how you
survived the pre TASO much hurting period – instead of getting in-between a man
and his son!
The early day HIV victims – and the stigma
It is not the
purpose of this blog article to name anyone… for the benefit of refreshing
memory and in solidarity with the living sufferers – in a small way I want to
observe here that the early victims mostly died away quietly actually
guilt-ridden; they were the ones who never benefitted from the subsequent
phenomena of “Counseling” which came much too late for many! Counseling
effectively began after the good women of TASO had established their
organization – in time to save those who were infected much later. By then the
tough-hearted who also publicly accepted that they were the earliest… to be
infected with HIV/Aids had survived the first generation victims – who hopelessly
died enmasse.
tough-hearted mostly survived through quest for knowledge and ceaseless reading
and formulating of survival kits of their own: like regular vitamin and
nutrition intake to enhance their resistance and eventually stayed the
demise-point. Till TASO came to the rescue - It is only the lucky few who
merited there otherwise in Uganda even the highly educated succumbed – despite
their abundant knowledge and even money! The early day victim who was lucky
enough to have had money and basic survival skills and is still alive today –
is a great person. ***
Writer is an Independent Thinker,
blogger and book Author