

Friday, October 18, 2013

On [On posh white blokes in NGOs]

On [On posh white blokes in NGOs]
           ‘Our Kingdom - Power and Liberty in Britain

Sam Mwaka-karama
An article published on a British website; ‘Our Kingdom - Power and Liberty in Britain’ – caught my attention yesterday 16th Oct 2013: Subject; Race, Development, NGOs, Gender, UK… [Guppi Bola’s] story is blue eyed in a subtle kind of way; however it seems the hazel eyed original writer of the title above [Peter Buffet], and someone else Ben; [Guppi’s boss] may have triggered the ultimate controversy. Reading Guppi, as the black [under dog] man I am; I want to appreciate Buffet’s metaphorical ‘I am full, here please’ – like at the dinner table – the old English country gentleman would most likely do that and, walk away calmly to the smoking room, as it were.

    The issue at hand in Guppi’s discussion [of Ben’s response to Peter’s Guardian article – and protractedly New York Times earlier?] opens a direct debate topic and, dramatically; “The world of development NGOs is full of white men from well off backgrounds. One of them wrote about how this is a problem in the Guardian last week, and here, one of their employees responds, looking at who speaks about these things and how; who is heard, and what should be done about it?”

    Certainly to me I think what should be done about it is encourage the ‘Posh white blokes’ to accept that the Africans [am Ugandan] are getting well educated enough to run those NGOs. This is a recognition the [model] or posh white blokes need to share with the [model] or posh black blokes. It might not be the matter of vacating the seat for the new-comer at the club dinner table as such – but perhaps creating a squeeze-in slot.

    To me, the problem here might however be the ‘well off background’ factor. I think all these posh white blokes are being done favors massively by that ‘well off background’- now don’t read me wrong here; I think charity management is a delegation of responsibility. And I believe the Philanthropists or funds contributor charity groups might want to know who runs the overseas NGO office – what merits might they [as unknown Africans have] to fit in as a team of ‘posh black blokes’ taking-over from ‘posh white blokes’. How would the blacks perform anyway? I see and seem to hear these sort of subtle debates at the boardrooms there at the ‘background’ and, my brother Africans might not be up to it by my knowing – I do not want to sound like one trying to dismiss the status quo in total favor of the white blokes – because surely management of ‘development NGOs in the social justices’ field need change as well.

    The murkier end of the debate is the shroud! That that dirty old cloth that always covered-up white minds on certain issues pertaining to black peoples – as Guppi Bola observes; “It strikes me that it takes someone who looks like you to encourage a response to a problem that marginalized people have been talking about for many-many years. In understanding what's needed for a free and fair world, maybe my boss would have noticed the hundreds of other articles, emails and conversations that spoke of oppression, privilege, diversity and respect way before Buffet scored an article in the New York Times”.

    And that brings me to my own point of entry in registering this comment; Guppi slots-in another writer who had for several years been airing this same views; “Take Teju Cole for example, who tweeted a series of phrases about the “White savior industrial complex” after the Kony débâcle more than a year earlier. Cole, an effusive novelist and passionate equal rights campaigner, speaks vividly about the role of the white male in many different movements. His article only made it to The Atlantic, but its relevance is no less significant.

The inference to ‘[Joseph] Kony 2012’ stark débâcle of the Jason documentary – which to me points out yet another point in the sometimes fumble-some affairs of selfless greed in the world of the development NGOs – is fact that the old boy ‘posh white male’ syndicated by that powerful Philanthropic ‘background’ as catapulted into the African open field, also developed a hidden [personal] agenda. Now this new situation is the one that makes some considerations valid; for instance how the voice of the oppressed actually triggered the precarious set-up [in the Kony affair] to finally ‘stark debacle’. But certainly even the Kony documentary had its merits – I mean, what is the point; a man makes a plan and implements it meticulously to success is merits! If he was white or if he was black is not the issue. The problem is one way or the other whatever one does [from within the development NGOs] will eventually involve both black and white people anyway so, how do you debate powerful ‘posh white males’ dominating the development NGOs and jump to the conclusions that carry racist under-tone – fine they are advocates of equal rights; the issue is that the development NGOs field is charity driven and, if a ‘posh white bloke’ wanted to maintain his personal ‘posh-ness’ then he founds his own money maker and not ‘posh-it’ in the field that has so much to do with not very posh black people. Your merits are yours personally and, if you use it there and not in public domains of charity – your achievements will still advance communities of the world one way or the other be you white or black. I think ‘posh white blokes’ should found their own ‘Virgins’ and get out of development NGOs. $$$ 

         Writer is an Independent Thinker, Blogger and Book Author.   

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