

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hidden Arrogance: preaching proudly and cynically is not a virtue

Sam Mwaka-karama
Hypocrisy – is not the virtue: Some men who are favored by their fellow men, to appear on TV, seem to imagine they had the full right, to stand there and sarcastically tell viewers rubbish; in the name of Jesus Christ – that is ‘hidden Arrogance’ and, will never be a virtue.

If you are there to tell viewers how they must “humble” themselves “because nobody wants to live with an arrogant person” and, you want to tell them TV audience that; they, the targets of this your clearly hypocrite-arrogance talk and sort of demeanor… this your preaching advise [and invocations] might be falling on deaf ears – Here on Earth and in Heaven.

Jesus did not teach anybody to [“humble yourself - because nobody wants to live with an arrogant person”] – Jesus said [“…unless you become like these little children…”] – that is what humbleness is to Christ – please better not to say anything at all… better not to even pray in public at all - than try to do something without a vocation; because the sins of your false preaching might become worst than that of the man who does not pray at all…

The mushrooming of preaching in this age and times is the opportune convenience of the Hi-tech and ICT; net and web and the internet that brought Televangelism closer to all of us here in Africa as well… this does not mean that the Holy Spirit is calling on everybody to evangelize – copy-cats are not inspired - please evangelism is and must remain “Virtual”: addressed to mankind and not to one particular person.

 I think it better to discuss the relationship between Man and God… this discussion has been going on for thousands of years and every created human being is entitle to discussing that in whatever personal or public way – but it might not be in righteousness to preach outside the restricted scope of philosophy and theology there you might need a ‘vocation’; to interpret the word of God you need God’s own calling… but to discuss God, Creation and Salvation you don’t need a vocation; the process of discerning history is a natural thinking process.     

What you might not be conscious of as a prospective [or learning] preacher is fact that they [TV watchers] might actually be [less] myopic than you imagine in this your clearly misguided preaching… TV watchers are not blind-bats and idiots who might not recognize your behavioral ‘hidden arrogance’ – in fact on TV your behavior and your words may conflict – your inspired preaching and not so inspired preaching and personally crafted nonsense are all visible between your words and your behavior; what they call body language - so that your message carry negative connotations covered by your silly invocation of the name of Jesus Christ; actually in vain!

Because you very shallowly think that whenever you [utter] the name of Jesus – people automatically come-down and absolutely believe and ‘respect’ your [every] word - rubbish. Faith did not begin with you and also evidently you miss-out on psychology: firstly your own intended [hidden message] is showing and very much visible and clearly heard and seen. Secondly you don’t even know when or where Christ talked about [humbleness] which you should quote… and, on two occasions I have watched you – you did not make that quote. That is why I have addressed this blog to you… YOU!

Your lucky strike was evidently appearing on TV regularly; since you are actually a youth who is initially inexperienced in life but was lucky enough to be offered a slot to say whatever you want on national TV.

But then before you can tell us all how ‘arrogant and stupid’ we are – you should better preview yourself, check your own body language and hear your own voice [on TV] and what you are actually not saying and listen and see what you are actually saying: you have been sending a secret message! And I should have sent you a rude sms – stop invoking Jesus Christ in your deceitful, arrogant, self important, hidden messages targeted at an individual [one you clearly had in mind] – that is vain preaching.   

My role in the [VeryMuchSo] documentary you are [indirectly] pitting yourself against me for, was well acted, well spoken and professionally done [over six years ago]. I conveyed what was wanted, in the appropriate calm manner, professionally giving the right and accurate picture the project was planned for… you want to use Jesus name to justify the jealousy you feel over that? It is you who is being arrogant, deceitful, disrespectful and stupidly envious – I have already lost every opportunity to get money I deserve out of that feature documentary I honestly participated in – what else would you want to take away from me there? [Where were you when I was involved in the making of it? Where were you when I was with the Olympic athletes?] 

You should actually realize that you might be breaking one of God’s laws: [Thou shall not utter the name of the Lord Thy God in vain] – because you are using the name of Jesus Christ in coverage of matters meant to convey your own hidden personal messages to [one target TV audience] in a hidden way - that is hypocrisy and terrible arrogance when exhibited on national TV by some silly amateur who should keep his [personal] issues to himself. The documentary is long since made – what will calling me ‘arrogant’ help you with – isn’t it enough that clearly the documentary [especially my role in it] inspired you into getting on TV?

If you finally got [the] camera from the [whosoever] and, you are recording yourself in your home [studio] or office – you don’t need to have me as your perennial subject of discussion and presentation and also audience anymore; the whole world, the entire Globalization is out there to attract your camera and broadcasting attention; now go do your own [VeryMuchSo]… go do your own Olympian documentary. Go do your own water project… Now go build your own family wealth – if my family is down because of my arrogance… don’t make it your bread and butter, milk and honey and mandazi.

Don’t rub it in too hard onto the name and blood of Jesus Christ. Watch out! You might be over invoking Jesus; he never talked of [arrogance] he only advised on humility; humbling oneself “like these little children” – please leave [VeryMuchSo] it was not my initiative or my business I was only a participant. If you were hurt by my participation… there is nothing you can change there. It was an objective relevant professionally done part of research and recording of an element of humanity and history – your hurt and jealousy is not. You are free to cut-off everything and interfere with the little peace in my dwelling and in my interactivity with others. What I have lost in life is bigger and it has all stopped hurting me. I am beyond caring. Your hurt and the purpose of your preaching will never touch me. ***


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