The Fatherhood ransom:
the Diasporas prodigal sons and the ‘tithe’…

You are absolutely free and, your independence is guaranteed as
long as you respect and absolutely show total loyalty to your biological
father. God is represented in your life by your father – and it is only through
him that you get that blessing to play your role in procreation… no matter how
much you pray through Jesus Christ or even directly to God - as long as you
hate or disrespect or shun your biological father; you are still the “Prodigal
son… in the diasporas” who will [one day] come back home barehanded and need help
and sympathy of the father; and get do what you should have done [in the first
place much earlier] to buy your own passage into procreation by affording the
blessing of your father; by working that ‘tithe’ peacefully at home. Or sending
back home that ‘tithe’ 10% of your income regularly. So when things finally
grind to a halt… that signifies your home-coming.
Like it or not; you are bound to your biological father by the
simple linkage for procreation, the one thing that Jesus will not dispense –
the one thing for which mankind labors is that in the process of development,
procreation disseminates itself and the son is always tied-up to his father by
that ‘tithe’ till productivity.
Churchmen say that to gain blessings from the God of creation
from whom all things is said to process… you have to tie a ‘tithe’ in your
offering to God – through the Church regularly – then your path in life is made
But then in the story of ‘Yakobo’ and ‘Rebecca’ and their two
sons; we learn that – there still exist a cache of the ‘Fatherhood ransom’ a
son owes his biological father; we learn that without paying this ransom to
your biological father in your [youth] and or working life, you may at some
point realize that you didn’t have your-own kids because you did not labor for
your father, nor did you regularly tie a ‘tithe’ [the mandatory 10%] for your
biological father – even though you regularly tied a ‘tithe’ in church, prayed
regularly, loved a spouse and gave-out alms to the less fortunate; still [a
void of emptiness might still vacuum itself deep inside you] occasioned by that
wanting “Fatherhood Ransom” – a serious and formidable challenge to your manhood.
A confusing entanglement to your mind and personal psychology – and an opening
for doubt and sneer by the proudia big-headed lucky class, who are always there
to prod and bruise your wounded feeling and self doubt, till you become an all
round phobic… and perhaps make a dash right into the ‘chasing of the wind’
evangelical and gospel churches to be ‘born again’. Not only that; the story of
“Laban” and the Guy who labored for his Uncle for seven plus seven years for
the hand of his daughter; these are biblical tales that perhaps mildly indicate
to us that ‘procreation’ is not a free ride… [you don’t just find somebody’s
daughter on a silver plate and produce your own kids because you respected your
own good father and, at the same time you insult the father of that girl
mothering for you kids]… you either labor for it or you buy it from her biological
father by giving respect and support to the aging man who fathered and placed
her on that silver plate for you to luckily access… otherwise there is misery
ahead waiting for you, or you might die early, or you might bury all those
kids, or their mother might die.
But many [including I] have discovered the [hard] way that the
‘Fatherhood ransom’ is the key to procreation and [therefore] longer enjoyment
of functioning and working marriage or spoucing life. Certain traditional
characteristics often vices parenting especially here in Africa – blown by the
winds spewed by the demons of the larger turmoil over-loaded spiritualities and
principalities that are permanently in anarchy and, whose superior wars
constantly affect life here on earth.
Procreation is direct from the Creator to Adam and Eve –
shouting ‘praise the lord’ or ‘God is great’ won’t help you there; for you to
produce a child of your own, you must respect and stay loyal to your biological
father by regular support… fine, for argument’s sake; a son could leave home go
away at a tender age, finds a woman even bear children – here he might have
found also a [proxy of his father] from whom he found the passage to
procreation and, as long as he treats that substitute with respect without
shunning his biological father, the boy finds passage into procreation as long
as he engages into strenuous physical workout – like the Guy in the Laban story
- in the modern day you might have to become a sportsman, hard-laborer, or
throw your life away into the army [and work honestly] to gain your life and
win into procreation.
In our disorganized African mentality it is this factor that
disarray Africans; we are the less organized world. We are the more difficult
to organize. We Africans have all the properties and materials of and for
chaotic manipulatable existence… a child growing-up in this ‘helter-skelter’
develops more than enough ingredients that feed parental hate and disregard –
where a son might [someday] work, say far away from home and, never look back;
ignorant of all these [saving] factors, he floats and get carried away by the
winds: He ties no ‘tithe’ to his father [he might of cause tie his ‘tithe’ in
church and give alms – therefore even make money] which he loses fast as it
comes - and as the gap widen the son becomes prodigal – shuns home and
disregards his father – but then the dimaconian
‘Fatherhood ransom’ is poised over the back of his neck; for either you
respect and support [biological] fatherhood by the ‘tithe’ 10%, that you also
become a father and further the process of procreation - or you play the
prodigal son to the hilt and lose your head. The dimaconian wreath will
eventually come-down. This is not addressed to any particular person. $$$$
is an Independent Thinker, Blogger and Book Author
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