

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Childhood: how you really went!
Flash Poetry
Sam Mwaka-karama

You are gone childhood, leaving me empty.
You really was my driver - my extra pound came from you. 
Childhood you made me happen, you gave me joy,
it was your childhood laughter that won me friends, it was your hope
that made me forget the wrongs and difficulties that poisoned my life.
Childhood, how you really went!
You took away fondness - how I now am lost without you!
Where O! Where
Where do I go childhood, without you - am vacated, am empty, am done.
I crave for just a little more of your innocence... if ever aging could allow
Look O! Look
Look now, am surrounded by all the dreams I had all my life... all the dreams you made me see, they float and speed-by. My dreams are in every Mall and Plaza!
My dreams are on the roads, the highways, on the streets everywhere
How do I breakaway - how do I hop onto the fast lane dreams you made me see
so long ago - just look how my dreams roll by and am here looking.
Just looking O look, childhood
the dreams don't recognize me anymore - sad, how just simply sad!
O childhood - how I wonder what happened to you...
Now I see it all - and it hurt me so!
You had protected me... O! childhood how your innocence took me places
And now you are gone - you are nomore and, how alone you left me!
My dreams are afloat on the wind
at every turn of the road
in the homes and villages - I now see it all so clearly
now that you went - childhood how you really went
O how you took away your childhood love from me *** 
Writer is an Independent Thinker, Author and Blogger


  1. Sam, I feel the longing, the nostalgia, the sadness. it's a strong emotional impact, Pow! thank you. the child in you appears when you write, I believe ;)

  2. +Katya Mills
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog - I believe that one should protect the inner childhood... it is very important! Yes, the child in you appears when you write mysterious Agatha had hers... aha ha I understand often drenched in Gilbeys or Booths or whatever. She weaved her whodunit ever so childishly - a good example for you... I feel you belong their - like her; travel!
